The twins are in bed by 7:30 pm and then Bruce and I hang out till about 9:30. When I took this photo I was the only one still up and almost to bed myself. Parenthood changes your bedtime that is for sure!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Present from Aunt Brooke
Today Brooke came over and brought the twins some presents. Here is Tyler enjoying is homemade tag along which they both LOVE!! Thanks Brooke for the fun day and cute presents!!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Play date...not
Monday, January 24, 2011
We ventured out today to take advantage of Old Navy's clearance rack. With two a clearance rack becomes your best friend. I hope that I don't have to head there again for another couple of months...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Today we got some rest
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Girl Lunch Date:)
Today I was a lucky girl and Bruce took the twins while I headed out for errands and a lunch date. I haven't been on a girl lunch date without the kids since moving to UT. It was so nice to have a conversation and relax while enjoying this yummy lunch at Johnny Carino's.
THANKS BROOKE for the great company!!!!
Friday, January 21, 2011
New Swings
Today we got new swings for the twins and they loved them. They are the 3-1, a rocking chair and swing and bouncy chair. Emma has been sick this past week and had such a hard time breathing. I placed her in the rocking chair and she was finally able to sleep and breath. I felt a little guilty because this will only last while she is sick then it is back to the crib - but it was a nice break for Mom.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
We all need a little help from our friends!!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Spent my day with these two....
Today I spent the day doing laundry. I am so grateful for the amazing technology that allows me to do 7 loads in one day. Now only if I could get them to fold and put away the laundry it would be a true love affair. Also, I can't believe how adding two babies increases your laundry from 3 loads per week to 7 loads, they are so small yet make so much laundry!!!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Going on a walk
Monday, January 17, 2011
Some days you swear you were born to lose....
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sunday is suppose to be the day of rest...
Admittedly today was a bit crazier then normal but it still is a bit busy and man so I miss a good Sunday afternoon nap..
It all started by this -
7:00 am French Dip Sandwiches in the Crock-Pot |
9:00 - Finishing touches on talks and get ourselves ready for church. |
![]() |
10:30 wake up Emma for church and feed this little beauty. |
Veggies and bread for French Dip Sandwiches 8:00 pm clean up and head off to bed. |
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Saturday is a special day...
So truthfully I really dislike that Primary Song because in the Mormon faith I feel like we spend so much time at church why do I need to dedicate a whole other day to it - however I spent my Saturday running around so it felt appropriate...
I ran to Ulta, Costco, Nordstrom, Carters, Target, and for lunch I picked up Cafe Rio for Bruce and me but as a result my car was packed full and I was exhausted. Thankfully I only have to do that once per week.
Jeep was loaded down |
Friday, January 14, 2011
Two dates in one week
Tonight Bruce and I headed out with Laura and Buddy to see Little Fockers. It wasn't as funny as I wanted it to be but there were still finny parts. Thanks to Ciara and friend for being willing to babysit. I guess I was feeling a bit home bound and wanted to get out. Maybe I should spread it out a bit but I will take what I can get.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Lunch date with Bruce
So today I was a lucky girl and got a chance to head out to lunch with Bruce! Thanks Laura for helping me out today. We headed to Pawit's and it was everything I had read about. It is a local restaurant and I was dying to go. Funny enough Bruce had been there with a client and we hadn't talked about the fact that I wanted to go - but I guess this guy really does know me after all.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Tyler starting to like tummy time
So we have been trying to get this boy to enjoy tummy time a little and we have had no luck until today. Our friend upstairs suggested we place him on the boppy and here is the result. This little guy does love Sesame Street though and so he is watching with great intensity.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Tyler likes to bounce
Wow there have been a lot of Tyler posts. I will have to get more of Emma!! Anyhow, when we were in CA my sister had this bouncer and we put Tyler in it and it was love at first bounce. This boy bounces so hard and can stay in it for hours. He laughs and squeals with delight. Emma isn't quite as tall so she can't reach the ground just yet but I am sure when she does Tyler will have to share.
Monday, January 10, 2011
It's a Dogs life
Things are pretty busy over here so Oliver doesn't get the attention he use to before Tyler and Emma made their debut into the world. Thankfully he has adjusted really well and has learned that he doesn't like to sleep on the floor. Most days you will find him sleeping on the couch in one part or another.
We love this little guy!!!!
Oliver sleeping on the couch. |
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Katy's Farewell Dinner
Katy has served her mission and is now heading home. I am so grateful for the time she has been here in Utah. Congratulations on completing a mission! We will miss you.
Katy in front of the fireplace |
The yummy food that was served:) Thanks Uncle Matt and Aunt Janet for hosting this meal and having all of our crazies over. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CIARA!!!! |
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Big Car Seats
Friday, January 7, 2011
Twins and outfits from Gma Lynn
Today I put the twins in these outfits from Gma Lynn and they were so happy in them. I love how soft they are and they love to grab their toes so it is a win - win.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Winter Hats
Today, Tara and I installed the new car seats for the twins. When Bruce came home I wanted to show him but it is so cold outside I had to put hats on the twins. They look so cute in them I couldn't resist taking a photo. Love all three of these people! What a great life!!!!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Learning how to use the Big Boy
Krista has been in town and it has been so much fun. Today I took the twins up for the official photo shoot with Krista and after she taught me some basics about my camera. Here is the pic of me taking a pic of her editing her amazing work.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Trying to get on a schedule
These little guys were so tired after a day of church with little naps. Here they are right before they head off to dream land.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Hanging out with Grandpa
We went down to Provo to watch the Rose Bowl with Mom & Dad Pritchett. Tyler loved hanging out with his Grandpa.
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